Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Studio is Open--Yippee!

The art studio is finished and open.  After lots of hard work... and choices, it is finished and I am having lots of fun creating.  It is my personal sanctuary of creativity-hehe.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! The windows look out onto our garden which is quite inspirational.  Thanks hubby for all the work you put into this!

Enjoy the tour!!! 

 The view as you walk in the door.
 Work table.
 Garden view.
 Storage and Granny's rocker.
Granny's rocker with an updated look in my favorite color--turquoise.

My favorite spot to create. (The piece on the table is unfinished and
 part of my Psychedelic Cubism series.)

More storage.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Studio Sneak Peek

Here are some photos on the art studio in process...more to come soon!!!  My hubby and
contractor, Dallas, are making fine progress.  Except, Jack does a lot complaining about aches
and pains at night. I also got the wall paint the other night--seaglass!  Imagine that with the
 love affair I am having with turquoise right now.

The art studio will have a ceiling with a slight pitch to make it feel
bigger and so I can have a lighted ceiling fan.

Lots of windows, for lots of light.  Each wall will have a window or two.

To get the permit, the studio had to be moveable.

It is taking shape...woohoo!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Art Parties are the Best!!!

This week I did another Art Party.  They are sooooo fun.  This one was for a surprise birthday party.  Everyone made a flower pot using the palette knives and brushes.  They turned out great.  The mimosas weren't bad either...

Take a peek and enjoy!

The birthday girl was really surprised!!!

Kristen let those creative juices flow...

The finished masterpieces.

Everyone can paint.  I love it when people say, "I can't paint even paint a wall" and then when we finish the class/party, they are amazed at wonderful piece of art they have created. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring Break Is Almost Over

I had a wonderful week of relaxation over spring break.  It was busy and hectic even though we stayed around here. The busy part was that I was getting things in order for the studio build (more to come about this.)  However---I still found  time to enjoy the "CHILLED OUT" life!!!  Here are a few photos of how I spent my down time over the break--not too exciting, but really fun!  One photo I failed to include was me dancing with the Xbox Kinect!

I worked on a few paintings, took art to the Courthouse Coffee, and got supplies ready
for the upcoming art party themed, "Breakfast at Tiffany's."

Enjoyed the beautiful weather in my newly painted Adirondack chairs--turquoise of course! 

Painted some new signs for my displays.

Caught up with my reading.  I ordered some mixed media, collage, and
art studio books from Amazon a while back.

Planning out the new studio was really fun.  I found some perfect graph paper online, outlined the 12 x 16 building space, and measured all items I am going to put in the space.  Then, I found the perfect placement for the easels, stools, tables, etc...--along with the where the windows and door will go.  I am hoping this will help the contractor.  I am sooo excited!!!  The groundbreaking is tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Art to the Coffee Shop

Tomorrow I'll be taking some new art to Courthouse House Coffee (downtown location)--that is a good a thing!!!  It means my art is selling.  Stop by and take a look--and grab a yummy cup of brew while you are there!!!  Here are a few below...Enjoy!

Art Club

 Last week I hosted am awesome painting club at school. It was my first one and to be honest, I was a bit nervous. It was loads of fun and the pieces the kids created were wonderful. They were so proud. It was amazing the work we accomplished in just three, one hour and fifteen minutes sessions. I also found it funny because as much as I tried to promote creativity, the kids always seemed to feel the need to ask permission for each new stroke of the brush. I was a great budget shopper and made several trips to Michaels with the hubby and lots of 40% off coupons. This allowed the girls to get extra paint, brushes and canvases to create their own masterpieces at home. I hope they continue to find joy and peace in the arts!!!

Here are some of my recent pieces--Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Turquoise, Turquoise, I Love Turquoise!!!

We've recently been doing a little remodeling in our house--well, actually a lot.  I've always been kind of a neutral girl as far as my house goes and this time I decided to make my color pops in turquoise....  And I love it!!!  Here are a few pieces painted by my talented friend, Darci Walters, who has an especially good eye for really cool pieces.  Her specialty is distressing. Sorry for the weird lighting issue but you can see the chairs and micro table just fine!

I also painted a special wall piece that brings the space all together.  It is in my previous post!!!  Take a look. That is one really great thing about being an artist; I can paint exactly what I want and if I feel another inspiration, I can just go with it--Lickety-split!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Painting for My Living Room

I recently finished a painting for my living room containing two of my favorite things to decorate the home--turquoise and flowers!!!  I must say--it looks great and adds a bit of whimsy!!!  I used a mixed media technique where I painted paper and adhered it, then incorporated the paper and canvas with my Golden squeeze bottle acrylics---fun, fun, fun!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hard to Work When the Studio is a Mess

I ordered a number of books from Amazon on how to organize studios and craft areas.  The books are very interesting and have a number of pictures which really helps me to get a better idea do things I can do to "get it together."  I have trouble working when the clutter takes over.  I'm working on it!!!

The "BUS"

I just love a cute VW Bus!  I am planning to do a series of these little cuties--this is my first.  I have included a sketch on a sticky note and a couple photos of the almost complete painting.  I painted the bus on paper and secured it on the canvas.  More to come...  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Artwork Finds Happy Homes

Here are a few photos of a show I did this summer and some of the paintings that found happy homes!!!  I love it when I get pictures of my new art friends and their paintings.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Folk Art, Family, and Fun

FOLK ART -- sold some
FAMILY     --  made some great memories
FUN            -- had tons of it

Jack and I had a great time in Indy--it was action-packed.  Busted out of Mentone when the bell rang Friday and never stopped until we got home.  It is always such a good time visiting family!!!

The arts and crafts show went well, also.  Above is a photo sent to me today from the happy owner of a K.Hayden original.  I will have to agree with her--it looks AWESOME in that spot!!!   Love it when people share photos of their new art in their new homes.

FYI--Lori, you are lucky you got back there when you did...two other, different girls who were looking at your painting, came back for it.  I had to tell them--sorry--it just found a very happy owner!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Meet Rob, the Art Enthusiast

I have been very busy with summer fun, being creative, and chillin' in the pool, at the lake, and at art shows. My art is about finding inspiration in things you love... I love all of those things. 

One thing I enjoy about the art festivals where I show is meeting and chatting with all the people. One of my new friends is Rob. Rob and his mother were out enjoying an art day together and happened to stroll into my shop at the Charley Creek Artfest. I found out Rob loves art and color.  He was very thoughtful as he browsed every painting in my shop. You know, it just makes me all warm and fuzzy when kids enjoy and appreciate art. And I must applaud the parents who give their kids opportunities to explore, then encourage their children to follow their interests and express themselves.  I am thinking it would be fun to teach a childrens' art class--hmmm...maybe???

On the table are some other painting Rob carefully chose as gifts to his family to decorate their lake house.

Below is a photo Rob's mom sent me to show me the paintings new "home". Looks great!!!!  Thanks!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

54th and Monon -- Ready

I have an art show in Indy this weekend. It is at 54th and Monon in Broadripple. Taking my niece and we'll also visit my Mom. Hoping for good weather....but I am ready for the show and ready to "batten down the hatches" as this show is on pavement. My roadie and I are going to try the new tent weights he made -- hope they work since we won't be able to tie down.

Here are few new ones for the show!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Art Show Line-Up 2011

Well I've been a busy little bee getting my art show applications in... and do I have an action-packed schedule this season!!!  Below I have listed everywhere I am showing so far this year.  I hope to see many friends at these events checking out all the awesome art and having fun.  Many of the art venues have numerous other activities to enjoy like music, wine tasting, and festival-like fun.  Hope to see you there!!!

May 7
Celebration of the Arts
A quaint little juried event held on the Carroll County Courthouse Square. 
Delphi, Indiana
Courthouse Square

June 4
54th and Monon Art Fair 
 A juried art fair that features free hot dogs,  lemonade and lots of fun.
Indianapolis, Indiana
1057 E 54th St - just off the Monon Trail

June 25
Charley Creek Art Festival 
 A juried fine art show boasting a number of cultural events and wine-tasting in the beautiful Charley Creek Gardens. 
Wabash, Indiana
551 N. Miami St.

July 2
Art Blast!
An art event sponsored by the Creative Fish Gallery featuring the galleries local artisans.
Syracuse, Indiana
200 E Pickwick Drive

July 9
Syracuse Summerfest Art Fair
Music, rides, food and art--stop by for some summer fun!!!
Syracuse, Indiana

July 30
Dixie Days Art Fair
Take a ride on the Dixie for a guided tour around Webster Lake after a day of art on the "Palace Lawn." 
North Webster, Indiana
St. Rd. 13 on the "Palace Lawn" in the center of town.

August 27
Arts in Bloom
Two events in one - an art-filled day strolling the Wellfield Gardens and enjoying yummy treats with the Taste of Elkhart.
Elkhart, Indiana
1000 N. Main St. at the Wellfield Botanical Gardens

September 10
Whitley County Autumn Art Fair
This juried art fair has something for everyone with a number of kids activities, entertainment, and homemade goodies.
Columbia City, Indiana
Courthouse Lawn in the center of town

September 24
Rocky Ripple Festival in the Park
A family-oriented festival in a hip, eclectic neighborhood. You will enjoy art, food, spirits, and six bands.
Indianapolis, Indiana
840 West 53rd St.

October 8
Renaissance In Roanoke 
Roanoke, Indiana
More info to come

November 5
Center Grove Holiday Craft Fair
Greenwood, Indiana
Center Grove High School

November 21
Westfield Holiday Craft Fair
Westfield, Indiana
Westfield High School

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Subdued Works of Late

I've been painting extremely slowly for the past few months--doing more thinking about painting, then actually painting.  However, I am extremely happy with some of my recent work.  These three pieces are all acrylics on stretched canvas.  I used several different palette knives, a fork, various brushes, squeeze bottles, molding paste, gloss mediums, and of course my new favorite tool--the TOOTHPICK.  I just can't believe how you can use a toothpick for so many art purposes!!!  The colors in these pieces are a bit more subdued than much of my work, but I love the blending and texture of them.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Trees "Blue Hue-A Tree for You"

I'm really into trees right now.  I'm always trying new things, new ways, new techniques. Anything nature seems to always makes me feel so peaceful--recreating nature in another form is just very soothing to me.

The bark for this painting, "Blue Hue - A Tree for You" was created using a toothpick for texture.  Forks work well for texturing, too.  I did a great deal of layering in the leaves.  It takes a long time to do a layered painting because of the drying time--but I love the effect and depth you get by having patience.