Sunday, November 6, 2011

Folk Art, Family, and Fun

FOLK ART -- sold some
FAMILY     --  made some great memories
FUN            -- had tons of it

Jack and I had a great time in Indy--it was action-packed.  Busted out of Mentone when the bell rang Friday and never stopped until we got home.  It is always such a good time visiting family!!!

The arts and crafts show went well, also.  Above is a photo sent to me today from the happy owner of a K.Hayden original.  I will have to agree with her--it looks AWESOME in that spot!!!   Love it when people share photos of their new art in their new homes.

FYI--Lori, you are lucky you got back there when you did...two other, different girls who were looking at your painting, came back for it.  I had to tell them--sorry--it just found a very happy owner!!!

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