Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Artists Need Their Creative Space

I have made some changes to the studio--I am taking over the game room--not really!!! But hey, artists need their create space, right???? My table expanded to a wrap around "L" workspace. I also purchased the humongolicious easel.

So, we had two snow days this week from school. I got a lot of cleaning and other odds and ends done, but more importantly, I started five new paintings. I finished two of them, and about halfway on the other three. I've got a number of new ideas right now...the snow must inspire me or maybe the time off at home gives me time to marinate in my ideas.


  1. Karla, I love the work space. I imagine myself sitting in a comfy chair reading and writing in your creative room. :)

  2. your space is so clean! how u do that??? its great--
