Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cityscape - Chicago

Here is my new cityscape of Chicago--I like the thought of doing some cityscapes...but I am still making my way with this. I am collecting photos of major cities and local landmarks. This will take some thought because I am not sure my folky style fits the subject, we'll see. This one was fun, however!!!

Flip Flop Fun - Sunset Series

Okay...I know I say every series I do is my favorite, but this one truly is. Plus, I sold four of them this week. I think people see the paintings and they make them happy with the vibrant colors and the thoughts of summer...soon to come.

I think a really big one of these would look great by a pool, lake porch, or patio!!! I have a 24 x 48 canvas in my studio...Maybe I'll make one for my place at the Webster Lake.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shimmer Blue

This is "Shimmer Blue" in my new Poppy Series. All the paintings so far in this series are larger, 16 x 20's.

The flowers just shimmer like sunlight on water. Unfortunately, this photo does not do the colors in the painting justice. I am planning to start on another one of these tonight. They are fun to paint because they are quite unstructured; the complete opposite of me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Poppy Series

I am starting a new series that I am very excited about! This first one is called "Purple Poppy." I know...not very original. I am going to lots of different colors. Check out the background--love it!

Jack gave me a very primitive tool and explained how he used something similar at Donnelley's. So I tried it out on the background and voila'. Something new in my bag of tricks!

Thanks hubby! He is actually my assistant and very proud of it!

I Love Coffee!

Nuff said...

Spring Blossom Tree

Earlier this week I was walking into school, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and it even kind of smelled like spring. That was the inspiration for this painting.

I kept saying I was going to do something with dots--well, here it is!!! you can see elements of some of my other works in this one. I like experimenting.